Have Your Sketch

Have Your Sketch ::

Stop using photoshop or other photo editing applications to convert it into a pencil sketch theme. Have your handmade sketch with you or gift your loved one's his/her sketch on their special day. Its very easy.
To have your sketch just write me from the "contact me " section on the right side panel of this page with a message  " Have me Sketch "  and I'll get back  to you with the details regarding how you would like to have your sketch , how to send your picture that you wish to have the sketch and details regarding digital copy and actual copy.
It's completely free of charge for digital copy all you have to pay is few mouse clicks on the ads you see on this site and a Google+ and Facebook share. :)
However it costs a little in order to have the original copy of your art based on your location , complexity of the art , delivery charges of your location.

PS : We respect and care for the privacy of your picture you send. we do not use it for other purpose as retouching work , editing , morphing work or commercial and promotional use without your permission . Feel free to ask for any queries regarding this. And all the pictures people send will be cleared from our data hard drives after the completion of  the work.

" Creativity is for everyone, but as an occupation some people decide to live it and some people don't "
                                                                                                              -- Yuko Shimizu

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